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Medical products with PLGA capsule technology

Application to Balloon Catheter/Stent

  • The drug can be laminated with a higher content to the medical device.
  • The drug can be delivered to the cell with nanosized effect. (The improvement of cell target tropism)

By this technology, PLGA nanospheres laminated on the surface of the balloon catheter/the stent, the PLGA nanospheres will be effectively ingested into a cell through vessel wall, the rate of restenosis, the necessity and the risks of the retreatment can be reduced.


Balloon catheter for dissolved nanospheres Stent for type for dissolved nanospheres

Application to Dry Powder Inhalation(DPI)

The Composite PLGA nanospheres can improve their own preservation stability, handling ability and inhalation characteristic.


The concept of PLGA nanocomposite particle for DPI

The Flow of Contrcted Research System

Buissiness Model (Medical Products and Device)

Pinpoint Delivery System for Anti-cancer Drug!

One of DDS(Drug Delivery System) performances using PLGA nanoparticles Improvement of survival rate on model mice for liver-cancer by DDS sheet containing anti-cancer drug A loaded PLGA nanoparticles.

Frozen tissue section

Frozen tissue section(24hrs after administration)

Attached DDS sheet contained with PLGA nanoparitcles Intraperitoneal Administration of PLGA nanoparicles suspension
DDS sheet contained
with PLGA nanoparitcles
Administration of PLGA
nanoparicles suspension
Data from Prof. Yamamoto of Aichi Gakuin Univ.


Administered Samples
(dose of anti-cancer drug A)
Improvement of
Survival Rate1)
Drug solution administered by i.p(50μg)n=13 Not available
Attached sheet containing drug(8.75μg)n=12 Not available
Attached sheet containing drug(27.1μg)n=12 Available
(power of DDS sheet)
Attached sheet containing drug loaded PLGA nanoparticles(8.0μg)n=12 Available
(power of PLGA nanoparticles)

1)Significant difference v.s. control (saline solution administered by i.p., n=13); α<0.01, Mann-Whitney test, 60 days (max) after administration



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