
  1. TOP
  2. Material
  3. What is PLGA capsule technology

What is PLGA capsule technology





What is PLGA capsule?

Our PLGA capsule is an ultra-fine particle with a diameter of around 140nm.
It has the structure of a yarn ball,
entangling active ingredients with tens of thousands of PLGA.

PLGA is a polymer randomly linked lactic and glycolic acid,
well-known as a biocompatible/biodegradable material in the medical industry. 




How do PLGA capsules work?

The innovative PLGA capsule, developed based on the concept of
a Drug Delivery System (DDS) by Hosokawa Micron, 
a leading company in powder processing technology,
is designed to enhance the effectiveness of cosmetic products
with its high skin/pore permeability performance and excellent sustained-release capability.


Delivering the necessary ingredients
where they are needed, in the right quantities, at the required time




Feature 1: Permeability

The PLGA capsules'DDS functions efficiently deliver ingredients
to the epidermis and hair matrix.





Feature 2: Sustained-release capability

After the PLGA capsules reach the target site, they release the ingredients there
for more than 24 hours while being hydrolyzed by skin moisture.
PLGA is eventually decomposed into water and carbon dioxide and discharged from the body.





Advantages of PLGA cosmetics 
compared with conventional cosmetics




Clinical evidence

We can create highly effective formulations by encapsulating beauty/hair growth ingredients depending on the required application.

Here are the clinical results before and after using PLGA cosmetics containing PLGA capsules with ingredients for brightening (upper left), hair growth (upper right), eyelash growth (bottom left), and anti-acne (bottom right).





Feel free to contact us. if you have any questions or concerns.