Principle of operation
The long gap mill is a fine impact mill with vertical rotor shaft that is supported both top and bottom in the mill housing. The grinding air is introduced into the mill housing from the bottom, the feed material is fed to the mill entrained in the grinding air. This configuration has the advantage that as a result of gravity, coarser particles are retained in the mill for a long time, and are ground finely. When used for drying slurries from wet mills, the suspension is pumped into the grinding bin. The fineness is adjusted as a function of the rotor speed. A classifying wheel that co-rotates on the rotor shaft brings an improvement to the top-size limitation. If the classifying wheel is installed, the coarse material is rejected and is externally recirculated to the air inlet.
Fig.1 LGM 8 with open inspection door
Fig.2 System (10 bar(g) in our test center)
This machine can be employed for just about any grinding and drying task provided that the hardness of the feed material does not exceed 3.5 on the Mohs scale.
It is particularly suitable if flat particle size distributions with a low d50 are required. The range of products that can be processed with the LGM is extremely wide:
Mineral powders (limestone, kaolin, talc), plastics and rubber, soya, wheat bran, pea pods, silica, carbon black, plastic fine grinding, cellulose and cellulose derivatives, PVC.
Precipitated calcium carbonate, Hydrogels, cellulose derivatives, ceramic slurries.
Fine fillers with stearates or silanes.
Feel free to contact us. if you have any questions or concerns.