
Energy Use and Energy Conservation

Green House Gas (GHG) Emission Calculation

Since FY2022, we have been working on the calculation of GHG emissions at our group companies in Japan.  Based on the data obtained from these calculations, we will first consider specific action plans to achieve our reduction targets for Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions from our own operations by 2030.  As a manufacturer of industrial machinery, our company is characterized by the fact that emissions from the "Use of sold products" under Scope 3 Category 11 account for well over 90% of our total emissions.  Therefore, it is essential for us to improve the productivity and energy efficiency of our products as well as to reduce Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions.  Our Sustainability Committee, composed of knowledgeable members from various departments within the company, discuss these issues on a daily basis d work to set Key Performance Indicators (KPI) for reducing GHG emissions.


GHG emissions (FY2024)     *Calculated for: Hosokawa Micron Corporation and domestic group companies